How to Create a Google Ads Keyword Strategy

December 10, 2022

How to Create a Google Ads Keyword Strategy

A keyword strategy is an essential part of any successful Google Ads campaign. It is the heart beat of every campaign. Select the right keywords and your ads will top the charts like the Beatles, but get lazy with your keyword strategy and you might as well just light money on fire. By carefully selecting the right keywords, you can ensure that your ads are shown to the right audience and drive traffic to your website. In this blog, we will take a look at how to build a keyword strategy for your Google Ads campaign.

Keyword Research

First, start by creating a list of keywords that are relevant to your business and the products or services you offer. You can use tools like the Google Keyword Planner to help you find and research keywords. The Keyword Planner can show you search volume and competition level for different keywords, so you can choose keywords that are relevant and have a good amount of traffic.

Intent of Keywords

Make sure that you understand the intent of the keywords you are adding to your strategy. If you are trying to get people to buy your product, you should be using keywords with buying intent like, "buy steaks online". If you want someone to buy a steak from your online, you probably don't want to be bidding on "How to cook a steak." You'll end up with a bunch of people who already have a steak and just want to know how to cook it. Understanding intent will set you apart from the competition and save you a whole lot of money in the process.

Grouping Keywords

Once you have a list of keywords, you need to organize them into different groups based on their relevance to your business. For example, you might have one group of keywords for your main products or services, and another group for related keywords that might also be relevant to your audience. This will help you create targeted ads that are relevant to the specific keywords that people are searching for.

Match Type

Next, you need to determine the match type for each keyword. There are three different match types in Google Ads: broad match, phrase match, and exact match. Broad match is the most general and will show your ad for any search that includes your keyword, even if the keyword is not in the exact order you specified. Phrase match is more specific and will only show your ad for searches that include the exact phrase you specified, but with other words before or after the phrase. Exact match is the most specific and will only show your ad for searches that include the exact keyword you specified, without any other words before or after it.

Creating Ad Groups

Once you have determined the match type for each keyword, you need to create ad groups for your campaign. An ad group is a collection of keywords and ads that are related to a specific topic or product. For example, you might create one ad group for your main products or services, and another ad group for related keywords. This will help you create targeted ads that are relevant to the specific keywords and ad groups you are targeting.

Creating Ads

Finally, you need to create ads for each ad group. Your ads should be relevant to the keywords and ad group they are associated with, and should include a call to action that encourages people to click on your ad. You can use the keywords you have chosen in the headline and body of your ad, to help make your ad more relevant to the people who see it.

In conclusion, a keyword strategy is essential for any successful Google Ads campaign. By carefully selecting relevant keywords and organizing them into ad groups, you can create targeted ads that are shown to the right audience and drive traffic to your website.

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