4 Ad Copy Frameworks You Must Know

November 22, 2022

As a marketer, writing effective advertising copy is essential to capturing the attention of your target audience and driving them to take action. But crafting the perfect ad copy can be a challenging task, especially if you're not sure where to start.

That's where frameworks come in. These structured approaches provide a roadmap for writing advertising copy that's compelling, engaging, and effective.

To help you get started, here are the top frameworks for writing advertising copy:


The AIDA framework (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) is a classic approach that focuses on capturing the attention of your audience, building interest in your product or service, creating a desire for it, and ultimately driving action.

To use the AIDA framework, start by writing a headline that will grab your audience's attention. Next, provide some information that will pique their interest and make them want to learn more. Then, create a desire for your product or service by highlighting its benefits and features. Finally, end with a call-to-action that encourages your audience to take action.


The PAS framework (Problem, Agitation, Solution) is a great option for ads that focus on addressing a specific problem that your audience may be facing.

To use the PAS framework, start by identifying a problem that your audience may be experiencing. Next, agitate that problem by highlighting how it's impacting their lives and why it needs to be addressed. Finally, offer a solution in the form of your product or service, highlighting how it can help solve their problem.


The FAB framework (Features, Advantages, Benefits) is a simple but effective approach that focuses on highlighting the key features of your product or service, the advantages they offer, and the benefits your audience will experience as a result.

To use the FAB framework, start by listing the key features of your product or service. Then, explain how those features offer specific advantages over competitors or other options. Finally, focus on the benefits that your audience will experience by using your product or service.


The USP framework (Unique Selling Proposition) is all about highlighting what makes your product or service unique and why that should matter to your audience.

To use the USP framework, start by identifying what sets your product or service apart from the competition. This could be a unique feature, a specific benefit, or a guarantee. Then, explain why this makes your product or service the best choice for your audience.

Overall, these frameworks can be incredibly useful for writing advertising copy that's compelling and effective. By following a structured approach, you can ensure that your ads are focused, clear, and compelling, helping you drive better results for your business.

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